Breakthrough software that simultaneously optimizes sourcing, production, inventory, and distribution including daily schedules for production and transportation.
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  The Enterprise-Wide Solution  

     ProfitPRO takes advantage of the significant economic benefits of coordinating production, transportation, and distribution decisions across interdependent, but traditionally separate, corporate functions.  Before any product is manufactured the most efficient method of producing, transporting, and distributing the product have been determined and the production and logistic resources necessary for its support have been identified and set-aside considering all other enterprise-wide requirements.

Within ProfitPRO, the functions of production, transportation, and distribution are optimized as a single, interconnected process.  That is, production decisions are made only after considering the cost and availability of all resources, and the relative cost of all feasible alternative sources of production and distribution.  ProfitPRO specifically considers the feasibility and economic benefits of shifting dates of production to take advantage of unused resources or cost preferred resources.

ProfitPRO creates daily production schedules for every production line in the entire enterprise based on the profitability of specific sourcing, shipping, and distribution for each product.  Maximum profit solutions are developed within a multiply constrained, user-defined environment.  Factors such as: production capacity constraints, transportation modes and resources, inventory policy, available inventory storage limitations, single and multi-tiered distribution systems, product allocation plans, product promotion phasing, new product introduction, and container/lid/label/package limitations are reflected in the daily production schedule for each line/shift for each day of the days requested.

ProfitPRO allows you to optimize corporate profitability at all levels of production and across multiple production facilities.

Production to Retail Optimization


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Beyond MRPII

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