Breakthrough software that simultaneously optimizes sourcing, production, inventory, and distribution including daily schedules for production and transportation.
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New Product Announcement!

     Imagine,  if you can,  an enterprise-wide planning tool that actually increases corporate profitability  without the need to increase sales volume  or product pricing,  or to change production methods.    Now imagine the same tool organizing co-operative, cross-departmental integrated planning.   Increased profits,  with no additional sales  and better integrated planning?  Sound impossible?    It is impossible with your current collection of production and scheduling tools.

Scientific Management Software, Inc. (SMS), is proud to announce the creation
of a revolutionary software program called ProfitPRO.  This tool, which is the result of over four years of extensive research and development, is the world's first multi-constrained, cross-functional, profit optimization program available
for production-to-retail operations.

Based on a proprietary, non-sequential, cross-functional analysis technique available exclusively from SMS, ProfitPRO simultaneously evaluates the profit impact of production, distribution, and transportation alternatives, and only then determines the precise combination of resources and schedules which will maximize corporate profits while meeting product volume and schedule demands.

ProfitPRO operates in a wide range of business environments.  Each installation of ProfitPRO is customized to satisfy the specific technical needs
of the individual user.

No other planning or management tool, program, or scheduler, regardless of
cost or reputation, develops fully integrated production schedules, distribution plans, and transportation routings designed to maximize corporate profitability while operating within the resource constraints of the total enterprise.

ProfitPRO, the first truly enterprise-wide planning tool isn't an expense --- it's an investment with a tangible return!

For more information call or e-mail the Director of Marketing, at 623- 444- 0243

Production to Retail Optimization


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